

Allowah is a place like no other

Allowah is a fully accredited and licensed hospital and disability support provider. We provide a huge range of supports and services, including short term accommodation (STA) and respite for children with high level needs. We also provide after school care, school holiday programs, mid-week and weekend adventures, therapy and early intervention.

Not sure where to start? We’re here to help.
Get in touch to find out more.

As a registered NDIS provider, Allowah provides a range of supports that can be personalised to suit your child's needs.

Whether you require hospital care, respite or fun activities during the week for your child, chat with us so we can better understand your needs. We will try our best to assist which services or packages would better suit your child.

Start the conversation today by calling 02 8877 3400 or email all your enquiries to admin@allowah.org.au

Since finding Allowah it has changed our lives. We don't think we would have gotten through all the ups and downs in our journey with Vicky without Allowah. It was so reassuring that we had the opportunities provided by Allowah.



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