

Our Next Chapter – August Update

Liz McClean

Chief Executive Officer

Allowah’s Next Chapter – where are we up to?

Since we announced Allowah’s Next Chapter we have had a busy few weeks! We are still operating as a hospital and will be until about the end of August. And then we will continue on as an NDIS provider – we’ve been one of those since 2016, so that’s not a big change. But it does change the flavour of things we do. So what has been happening?

We started out talking to lots of people! We talked to the Department of Communities & Justice and the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. Both thought that our change made sense and were excited to see what the Next Chapter will bring. They both are committed to still working with Allowah, so we are looking forward to continuing our partnership with them.

We talked to parents and carers. We were particularly keen to talk to parents who still used private health cover and work with them to make arrangements so that they can use NDIS funding in the future. That’s gone well. We also had some wonderful feedback from parents and carers who were really excited by the change as it will allow us to create a more home-like environment for the kids. And we’ve had strong interest in the Home & Living accommodation which is great.

We talked to staff. We’ve had lots of Q&A sessions and emails going out afterwards so that everyone is on the same page. We’ve had some great discussions and some great outcomes, with some changes to some of the proposed plans and continued discussions as we draw up new processes and finalise the details. We’ve also had a few Focus Groups starting out – one looking at clinical escalation and one looking at Allowah’s name (which will just be Allowah!).

We are in the middle of our co-design process with parents, carers and staff, looking at the physical spaces where the Children’s Services will be and where the Young Adult accommodation will be. We are also going to start co-designing processes with staff.

We are confident that the changes we are making will allow Allowah to continue to care for children and young adults in the best way possible.

Stay tuned for more news as the Next Chapter unfolds.

– Liz

From our friends at DCJ:
“Wow! Sounds exciting and so excited to hear about the SIL expansions.”

Department of Communities & Justice

From one of the Doctors on our Medical Advisory Committee:

“It has been a pleasure to have been involved with team on the MAC. I have been humbled and amazed at the dedication, love and professionalism shown towards the children and families under Allowah’s care and I pray and hope that the next chapter for Allowah will be successful and continue to be a much needed support structure for the unique and specialised needs of the children, and in some cases, young adults. I am very much aware of the financial challenges as well but I look forward to seeing Allowah thrive in the new challenges that have been set. Wishing the team at Allowah all the very best.”

Our Medical Advisory Committee

From the ACHS after we advised them of the plans:
“Allowah provides an invaluable service to the paediatric population of NSW & we hope that your revised model continues to supports this.”

Australian Council on Healthcare Standards

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