Parachute Play

One of the activities we love doing here at Allowah is parachute play. A simple piece of material can bring so much joy! But, it is more than just fun. Parachute play is a fantastic activity for development and learning. Children with disabilities thrive when presented with the enjoyment and challenges of parachute play.

What is it?
Parachute play involves people moving a large, circular piece of fabric. Sometimes music and rhythm are involved in the games. Patterns and games can be played using the parachute. Lifting it up high, pulling it down, crawl under it – the options are endless.

What’s the big deal?
Parachute play is the perfect game to play with children who have disabilities. Why? Because, it’s easy, it’s fun and it encourages social interaction, sensory development and physical exercise. Here are our top ten reasons why we love parachute play:

  1. Encourages cooperation. Parachute play is a team game which only works when everyone participates.
  2. Non-competitive. Differing abilities are not an issue in this game because no-one wins but everyone has fun.
  3. Develops social skills such as sharing and turn-taking.
  4. Develops physical skills like hand-eye coordination, balance and mobility.
  5. Uses rhythm and music.
  6. Muscles are strengthened as the core and arms are put to work in a gentle but effective way.
  7. Promotes social interaction and communication.
  8. Reinforces social cues such as listening to instructions and responding.
  9. It is a sensory experience – colours, music and movement are all involved.
  10. All ages, shapes and sizes can participate – great bonding experience for families, children and carers.


Parachute play is just one of many activities that fill our days at Allowah with fun and learning. It is something we can all participate in – communicating, moving and being together.