Quality and Safety Improvements

This page is for use by staff and parents / carers who are participating in quality and safety improvement activities. It has information, resources and links that will allow you to submit information and questions.

Links to submit information and Questions

The links below are for you to submit information and questions as you work through quality and safety improvement processes. If you have a question or something to share, please go to the appropriate area and click the link to send through your submission. Your response will be sent to the appropriate staff member who will be in contact with you.

I have a policy or procedure question

If you need a policy or want to know where to find something in a policy or procedures, click here

I have an improvement idea

If you have a great idea on how to improve something, click here

I need a decision made

Do you need someone to make a decision about something? You can always chat or email someone but you may like to use this link

I need to communicate something

Do you need to communicate something? click here

I need something designed

Do you need something designed?
If it’s a poster or brochure click here
If it’s a document or spreadsheet click here

I need to conduct a survey

Do you need to ask a lot of people some questions? A survey, click here

Something isn’t going to plan

Are you implementing something and it’s not quite going to plan? Click here to let us know so that we can give you some help.

I need to measure improvement

Do you want an audit or some other way of measuring improvement? Click here to let us know what you need.

I need help with evidence based practice

Do you need some resources to measure evidence based practice? Click here to let us know what you need.

I found a gap and implemented a solution

Have you found a gap, found a solution and implemented it? Click here to tell us about it.

Links to resources and information


NSQHS Resources

Second edition standards

Resources for the NSQHS Standards

NSQHS Standards Fact Sheets

Standard 1 – Clinical Governance
Standard 2 – Partnering with Consumers
Standard 3 – Preventing and Controlling Infection
Standard 4 – Medication Safety
Standard 5 – Comprehensive Care
Standard 6 – Communicating for Safety
Standard 8 – Responding to Deterioration

Clinical Excellence Commission

Clinical Excellence Commission
Infection Prevention and Control
Medication Safety
Falls Prevention
Deteriorating Patient Program
Mental Health Patient Safety Program

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

NSW Health Policies

NSW Health Policy Documents A-Z Listing